My Blog

When I first started my journey in web design and development, I used to look for solutions to specific issues from various sources on the web. I would then compile them into my own documentation. But I soon realized that whenever my colleagues or friends would ask me how I accomplished something, I would have to explain each step individually or send them my documentation privately.

That's when I thought of starting a blog to share all of my findings and help others who may encounter similar issues. I am thrilled that you are able to read my blog today.

Keep in Mind

What worked for me might not work for everyone. Let's collaborate! If you've got a better solution, I'd love to feature it on my blog with your name. Together, we can enhance documentation and help others code smarter.


AWS Summit Amsterdam 2024-Unleashing Inn. . .

April 11, 2024


Comparing Methods for Storing Theme in W. . .

May 11, 2023

A developer is deciding the best method for storing theme

Everything a Web Developer Should Know A. . .

December 6, 2022

Happy developer with figma background

Harnessing the Power of useContext, useM. . .

September 13, 2022

A hook around react logo on the seaside

Using Context API or Redux (Unbiased Per. . .

July 23, 2021

A gray pitbull relaxing on the sidewalk with its tongue hanging out

Why It's Time to Ditch Redux in React: E. . .

June 15, 2021

redux is not dead, but ...