HelloThere( 👋🏻) =>{
this.is ("Alireza")
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I'm developing. You're browsing.|


Hey there! I really hope you have a great time exploring this site. I had a lot of fun building it, so I'm sure you'll find something interesting here.
While you're browsing, feel free to check out my blog posts and code snippets, take a look at my projects and portfolio, learn more about me, or even reach out and say hi. I'm always happy to hear from visitors.


I develop and design websites with purpose.

I'm a full stack software engineer with a focus on frontend development. I also write and speak about web development, JavaScript libraries, and technology.

Latest Posts

AWS Summit Amsterdam 2024-Unleashing Inn. . .

April 11, 2024


Comparing Methods for Storing Theme in W. . .

May 11, 2023

A developer is deciding the best method for storing theme

Everything a Web Developer Should Know A. . .

December 6, 2022

Happy developer with figma background


As part of my professional endeavors, I enjoy engaging in various side projects that allow me to delve deeper into my interests in design and development. I would be glad to share some of my recent initiatives with you.

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